Friday, July 23

Friday's Project...

I have always wanted to own and dress up an Antique Dress Form. For years and years I have searched for the perfect one for me...but to no avail. They were either not right, or way out of my price range!

So, I decided to create my own!

Yesterday, I went shopping for an Antique Floor Lamp and found it at the San Francisco Antique Mall.


I must have looked at 8 or 10 before falling in love with the base on this beauty!


I went shopping at Lowes to choose the various components to "marry" the floor lamp to my Dress Form body (purchased at The Pickled Hutch), and to choose Chicken Wire to patina (oxidize) it an aged appearance.

Who knew that using Plumbing supplies would work!...;-)


I sawed and I sawed and then I sawed some more until I thought my arm would fall off!!!

Okay, I guess I exaggerated a wee bit!


Using my soldering supplies....


I wrapped with Copper Tape, coated with Flux and Silver Soldered the components under the Dress Form to stablize the pieces.


Note to self: Use gloves while working with the Chicken Wire...OUCH!


Completing this step will be continued in the next posting...wish me luck!


Can you guess what these beauties are for?



  1. Really like the stand you made for her - Like her the way she is! Looking forward to seeing the rest.
    Love that stash of bling.
    Have a great weekend.

  2. Thanks Glenda for coming by and leaving a comment! I'm on my way for a visit to your blog.


  3. Really great post Deb! Have you finished soldering the base yet???
    Lisa & Alfie

  4. Thanks Lisa! I just finished doing the patina on the skirt. Next i'll be soldering, etc. More pics to follow!


  5. hey doll
    eeekk this is amazing!!!
    i adore it.
    so unique, and fabulous!!!
    cant wait to meet you one day

  6. Hi Jessi...thanks! I am loving her and hope that my vision of her turns out! Trial 'n error, ya know! :D
    I would love to meet you also...I just love your energy!

    Have a wonderful weekend!


  7. LOVE that lamp base. What a great idea. Can't wait to see how it turns out. DARLING! Charlene

  8. OMG... what a creative genius you are GF! That is way more fabulous than any form I've ever seen... the base of that lampstand was over the top and you've done such an amazing job... *me swooning*

    Dawn ... The Bohemian

  9. @Charlene...thank you so much for your post! I'm almost finished with my "dream" dress form. Come back for a visit real soon!

    @Dawn...thank you also for visiting and commenting on my new creation~ I can't wait until i've got her just the way I want her! Please come back again!

    Happy weekend ladies!


  10. Certainly Deb you can add me to your Blogroll... and I'd love to keep in touch... thanks for visiting my new Blog. I've been an Artist for years but Blogovia is a new destination for me. *wink* Had to have the Grandkids help me set it up, it didn't turn out bad considering a 9 year old Boy was the head of the design team and tutoring Gramma! *LOL* Ah, that Boy's got talent... and he LOVES to design things too so he's been enjoying the Blogs of Artists like you just as much as I have... so we'll definitely be back to see what you're up to GF! Dawn... The Bohemian

  11. Debby, Thank you sooooooooo much for stopping by to visit & introduce yourself. I had NO IDEA that you are sweet Jane's sister!!! She is amazing & I can see that talent runs through your whole family. I joined your Followers list & also added you to my Blog List (thank you for doing the same with me!!!!) I look forward to getting to know you better & maybe next time I come out we can meet in person. Your style of jewelry design is MUCH like mine. LOVE IT ALL. Have you seen or taken classes from Diana Frey? That's where I got hooked. HUGS! Charlene

  12. OOh you clever girl you! I just love your "new lady." I have looked for years and years too and they've always either been too beaten up or out my price range as well. Can't wait to see what you do to bling her out!
    Happy Sunday.

  13. Hi Debby! Thanks for visiting my blog...LOVE your makeover too! We must be long lost sisters because we both love creating the same type of jewelry. My mom says I must have been a fish in my previous life because of the way I jump at anything that shimmers! Have a beautiful week ~ xo Joy

  14. F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S.
    i love the way you create!

  15. I was pretty sure I had left a comment on this post... silly blogger! You made a fantastic revamp of the mannequin, love it and can't wait to see the decorated piece!
    Hugs from Kim and me :)
