Tuesday, March 24

I've received an Award!!!

Tamerie from A Little of This and That and the Other has given me an award for my blog!

I am so touched to have received this award...Tamerie you are such a sweetie! Thanks!

Part of the award is listing 7 things that I like, enjoy and/or love:

1. My two sons…Patrick and Brian
2. Creating while working with vintage jewels.
3. My family and friends.
4. Jazz
5. My day job as an Office Manager/Medical practice.
6. Dark chocolate and Merlot.
7. Sunny weekends!!!

I am passing this award on to my sister Janie...Art Takes a Village. She is such a caring and creative women, who is selfless with her time and is very giving in spirit. I love you Janie!!!!

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Hi Deb,
    Thanks for finding my blog. I tried to visit you earlier yesterday then life happened so at almost 3:00 am I finally found my way back. Thank you for offering to add me to your side bar, I will do the same. Also I love your site, really nice sparkly stuff! Congrats on your spiffy new award, you deserve it! I have not been blogging long so it has been fun meeting new bloggers like you. Take care and I look forward to visiting with you! Have a wonderful day……~Cathy~

  2. And no better deserving creative person than you my friend! Hope you have a great day. I am frankly tired of the cold and looking forward to a warm weekend.
    Lisa & Alfie

  3. I just saw your comment you left me...we were on 28th street for that party!

  4. how are you??? are you still out there blogging.... xoxo laura

  5. Congrats Aunt Debbie!! I love your stuff on etsy..I had no idea you made hair clips! I was looking for something for my step sisters wedding for my hair and all along you make just what I was looking for. Go figure! I'd love to buy some from you. Lots of love, xoxo

  6. Hey thats very good news. I really enjoyed to read your post here. Thanks and congratulations.

    r4 dsi
